viernes, 16 de junio de 2023

A Good Friend

Hello everyone, today I am going to talk about a very good friend, his name is Diego same as me. We know each other since we were litle, in elementary school, but we were from different courses, he was from B and I was from A. I knew him, because we had the same first and last name in common, but we coincided in the same course already in high school. Where we became very good friends, we went out to parties a lot, we played a lot of soccer and video games. We have many things in common, like names, we were both born and have family in Chillan, we have similar musical tastes and similar tastes in football.

We have shared may moments together when we are together with my other friends, we listen to music, we play video games or go out to play soccer. The last time I saw him was two days ago, we live very close, abaout a five minute walk. We also study at nearby universities, so we usually go together. So much of the week we see each other, and with my other friend we still live nearby.

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The guardian

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