viernes, 7 de julio de 2023


 Hi everygone, today I m going to talk about the my blog experiencie in English course level 3.

To start I found a very good activity to work on a blog, because in addition to learning English, I was able to meet my classmates through the blog and their interests. It was a very fun and friendly way to learn English. The publication that I enjoyed writing the most was that of a family meal, because it made me remember beautiful moments with my family. But in general I ejoyed writing all the posts, there was none that made me uncomfortable writing.

I think that with the use of the blog my English did improve, because I am constantly reading and writing in English some words become more familiar and it is less difficult for you to understand them. I like to read all the posts and I found a very good activity. I think it was a very good tool to complement the teaching of English.

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