viernes, 26 de mayo de 2023

The beautiful Norway

 Hi Mr. Higginson and classmattes.

Today I am going to talk about a country that I would like to visit very much. This country is Norway, I would like to visit it because of its geografhy, mountains, glaciers and their coastal fjords. Its nature is very amazing and beautiful, I would like to know mainly the northen lights of Norway, It is a very beautiful weather phenomenon. It is a place that I want to go yes or yes before I die.

If I could travel to Norway I really like to go with my girlfriend. She is a person I love very much and with whom he would like to visit many place around the world. The truth is that I would like to spend as much time as possible in that place, to be able to travel with a lot of time. I think there must be many places to visit there. The other place to visit would be Oslo, the capital of Norway. Because I Think it is very important to know its capital, to see its culture, its customs and its history. 

Here I leave you some photographs of the beauty of Norway.

viernes, 12 de mayo de 2023

The last week

 The last week I went to Chillan, located in south of Chile. I satayed for a week, took a train ride with my girlfriend and the best of all we traveled with our bikes for the first time. We arrived at my grandparents house, and during the week we went out by bicycle to travel Chillan. It was very nice to ride a bike Chillan, with the landscape of these dates. Also that it was very nice to share with my family that days. We went out to tour some parts of the ñuble region, like Pemuco, Yungay, Dañicalqui, Confluencia and Nueva Aldea. The place I liked the most was confluence,  we met the longest wooden bridge in South America, which crossed the river ñuble. It was very nice to know those places for the first time and in the company of people I love very much, it served a lot to disconnect from the chaotic of the city and be able to relax in the week of recess, to be able to return with better energies to the rest of the semester.

I will leave some photographs taken with drone of the places traveled.

The guardian

 Hi everyone  I found the guardian article on hyperfatigue very interesting and very true. Today almost all societies live with constant str...